Enough is Enough
Maybe you are at that point where you are done.
You’ve been stuck in a cycle, a pattern. You can’t seem to get a break.
It probably feels like everywhere you go, or whatever situation you find yourself in next, you get punched in the gut.
I remember having those moments in my life where I thought “Enough is enough, I don’t like the answers I’m getting.”

I didn’t like that a school system kept saying, “We can’t offer more services” for my son Duncan to help with his autism.
I didn’t like kids calling me fat when I was 12 going through an incredibly stressful year emotionally and psychologically. A year where I kept eating to stop the pain.
I didn’t like people telling me that I had to get a job that I hated and dreaded in order to stay alive.
Maybe you’re going through one of those life changes now.
That moment where “Enough is enough!”
That moment where you’d rather take the leap and the chance, instead of being stuck in the same cycle of frustration and pain.
There’s pruning that has to happen in life in order to make room for new growth.
It’s going to hurt, but it is so, so worth it.
“…and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.” John 5:12
Fear consumes me that I have cancer again. I have symptoms. Thank you for your encouraging words, Kevin.
Hang in there Silvia. Prayers of peace, wisdom and insight for you today.