There Are No Shortcuts
I’ve been here time and time again.
Like, the time that well over half of my headshot submissions to agents got sent back to me because they wouldn’t accept them through the mail.
Like the time I had a lemonade stand as a kid and only one neighbor showed up because we didn’t get foot traffic on our street.
Like the time I bought $10 worth of magical raffle tickets at our church fair absolutely convinced that I was going to win the much coveted Atari game system… I didn’t.
And just about every time I didn’t get instant results for my semi-efforts, I’d get huffy. I’d want to throw in the towel.

There are no shortcuts.
I know this with eating and exercise. I know this with my spiritual and mental health.
I have to show up every day.
When it comes to life’s calling, life’s purpose, and career I have a tendency to sabotage myself.
I do know what it is. Steven Pressfield calls it The Resistance. I call him by another name.
This force wants me to fall off the horse and never get back up. Because to get back up means that I am serving the Higher Purpose. I am serving the purpose that He gave me.
So… I’ll go back to the basics. I’ll review what it takes so that I show up every day to work on this. I’ll read and learn and follow the guidance of those who have come before me and who are trying to point me on the path.
I know that if I log the time, do the work, I’ll find myself on the path He has laid before me so that I’m not just doing my work. I’ll do the work He means for me to do.